Every year we evolve, set new intentions, age, and live in a different world as the world we live in integrates its own changes which we are made to adapt to. Nothing really ever stays the same. In this fast-paced world we find ourselves having to keep up, but in doing so we set ourselves up to feel exhausted, burnt out, fatigued and drained. How do we get through another year mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually with energy still in our bucket to enable us to feel good each day. The answer is to take time for yourself, take time to rest, to play, to restore, to enjoy friendships, to do the things that make you happy. As they say all work and no play makes for at times a dull existence. Take time to smell the roses, to reflect, to check in with yourself and if your own needs are being met. Water your own garden and allow yourself to grow and find what makes you happy as we embark on a new year. Write down the things that make you feel alive, creative and that enable you to feel contentment, peace and satisfaction. The balance of mind, body and spirit is always something that we all need to work on, it's up to us to keep a check point and to make sure that we are living our best and fullest lives.
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